American Legion Riders Post 209

American Legion Riders Post 209

Miles/Hours entry
– Group Ride Miles Entry Form
– Individual Ride/Cage Miles and Service House Entry Form
– ALR Hours and Miles Instruction Sheet

Meetings for ALR Post 209 are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month. They start at 6:30 pm at Post 209. Please come and discover what the ALR Post 209 riders are doing and what community events we are participating in each month.

We, as a group, typically conduct one scheduled ride per month; conduct one or more short notice opportunity rides a month for available participants; conduct periodic maneuvering and ride safety practice, and schedule periodic post ‘fun runs’. Each of these support member participation and active membership. We ride year around hail and ice permitting…impromptu rides may be scheduled short notice. The scheduled rides are on the Neal Thomas Jr. Centennial Post 209 Calendar. Event updates and short notice postings are also listed in the ALR 209 Private Slack Workspace as well as the ALR 209 Private Facebook Page. The required and max participation events for ALR209 members are highlighted in yellow in the event schedule below. You can download and print the ALR Ride/Event calendar HERE. Past events are posted on our ALR209 Public Facebook Group

ALR209 2023 Ride Year!!!

Our mission: “We Ride for those that can’t.” Our goal is to ride and show the community that we represent Veterans in all that we do in our lives. ALR209 is a Post 209 program that exists to support the Post execution of mission in support of the four pillars of the American Legion: 1) Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, 2) National Security, 3) Americanism, and 4) Children & Youth. Each of these pillars encompasses a variety of programs that benefit our nation’s veterans, its service members, their families, the youth of America and ordinary citizens.

American Legion

ALR 209 Officers


Vice President


Road Captain






Color Guard Captain


Past Directors/Presidents

Our dues for the year are $35 (annually) and the front patch set is $25 (one time fee). There is a $45 deposit on the rider Backpatch, which is refundable if the patch is returned in the event you leave the ALR prior to meeting the criteria for ALR retired status. Supporter dues are $20 (annually) and ALR Retired Member dues are $10 (annually). Dues are collected beginning in November and ending in February for the year. Nominations for annual elections open at the November membership meeting and close at the beginning of annual elections during the January membership meeting. Newly elected officers take office at the end of the February membership meeting.

JOIN the American Legion Riders

  • You must first be a member of the American Legion, Legion Auxiliary, or Sons of the American Legion in order to join the Legion Riders.
  • If you are not yet a Legion, Auxiliary or Sons member, you can join using the orange ‘Join’ button at the top of this page.
  • If you are already a member or have just joined the Legion family, print out our Riders Signup Form here: ALR209 Rider Application
  • For new members, the Rider orientation sign off sheet is here: New Members Sign Off Form
  • For all members, the motorcycle safety inspection form is here: ALR209 Safety Inspection Sheet
  • Download the event release form here: Event Release Form
  • Download the motorcycle community protocols here: Protocols and Education
  • Download the ALR209 Constitution and By-Laws here: ALR209 Constitution and By-Laws

See the Post event listing/calendar for upcoming ALR209 events and event details

Colorado State ALR Calendar

Recent ALR209 Facebook Posts