Join the American Legion Auxiliary (Under 18 years of age)
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 209 Junior dues are $12 to Join in person, by mail or through the national auxiliary website. For your convenience, you can join online directly with the unit using PayPal for $13, which covers the expense of using the PayPal service. Just fill out the form below, then follow the directions to pay on-line, send your payment by mail, or bring your payment to Post 209.
Membership Requirements
You are eligible for membership in the American Legion Auxiliary if:
- You are a woman who is eligible to be a member of the American Legion.
- You are the husband, mother, wife, daughter, sister, granddaughter, great-granddaughter, or Grandmother of a member of the American Legion.
- You are the husband, mother, wife, daughter, sister, granddaughter, great-granddaughter, or Grandmother of a deceased veteran who was eligible for membership in the American Legion.
- Step relatives are also eligible.
Eligibility for Legion membership includes anyone who served honorably during either of the War Periods below:
- April 6, 1917 to November 11, 1918 (World War I)
- December 7, 1941 to Present Day (World War II-Present)
If you do not have service record information, click the link in the picture below to request military records OR Provide their American Legion member number (if available), full name, American Legion Post number and State.
Click the picture if you would like to contact the National Archives to obtain your DD FORM 214, or other documents showing discharge from Active Duty:
- If you are paying in person, Print to form before submitting, then submit the form using the ‘Submit’ Button. DO NOT SUBMIT the PayPal payment. Bring cash or check to Post 209 at: 3613 Jeannine Drive Colorado Springs
- If you are paying via U.S. Mail, Print to form before submitting, then submit the form using the ‘Submit’ Button. Send your check to: American Legion Post 209, 3613 Jeannine Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80917
- If you are paying through PayPal, Submit the form using the ‘Submit’ Button, then select the ‘Checkout via PayPal‘ below to be taken to PayPal window for payment using your VISA or MasterCard)