Monthly Breakfast and Post 209/Unit 209 Membership Meetings

Monthly Breakfast and Post 209/Unit 209 Membership Meetings

Monthly Breakfast and Post 209/Unit 209 Membership Meetings


March 8, 2025    
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


American Legion Post 209
3613 Jeannine Drive, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80917

Event Type

Join us for our monthly breakfast and membership meetings. Be sure to attend the March 8 breakfast and meeting. If you’ve joined the Post within the last year or were never formally initiated into The American Legion regardless of how long ago you joined, we will be conducting an initiation ceremony at the March meeting. In addition, we will be conducting a Post Everlasting ceremony for all our members who have passed away over the last year. Please attend to help welcome initiates and remember our fellow members who have traveled on.

Scrambled Eggs, choice of sausage/bacon, hashbrowns, sausage gravy, biscuits, toast, pancakes, coffee, tea, orange juice for $10. Includes pancakes!

Breakfast Starts at 9am, Legion and Auxiliary Monthly Membership Meetings start at 10am.

Legion Zoom Meeting Access:

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