American Legion Resources

• Post 209 Service Officer – Brian Murphy

• Department of Colorado Service Officer – Will Davis

• Monthly Volunteer Reporting Form – To keep track of monthly volunteer hours, mileage and expenses. Turn in your completed forms to the Post Adjutant.

• American Legion Colorado District 7 – Facebook Page supporting the 7th District of Colorado for the American Legion.

–Counties include: El Paso, Teller and Fremont.
–Towns include: Calhan, Cañon City, Colorado Springs, Cripple Creek, Falcon, Florence,
     Fountain, Manitou Springs, Palmer Lake, Security and Woodland Park.
–Legion Posts include: 5, 13, 25, 38, 39, 171, 209, 9-11, 1919, 1948, 1980, 2008, 2011 and 2016.

The American Legion, Department of Colorado – Headquarters of The American Legion for the State of Colorado

• The American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Colorado – The American Legion Auxiliary’s State of Colorado Home Page.

• Sons of the American Legion, Detachment of Colorado – The Sons of the American Legion Detachment of Colorado Home Page.

• Colorado American Legion Riders – The State page for ALR

• Boys State – The American Legion, Department of Colorado Boys State

• Girls State – The American Legion, Department of Colorado Girls State

• Oratorical Contest – This Nation-wide contest is designed to develop a deeper knowledge and appreciation of the Constitution of the United States on the part of high school students. Other objectives of the contest include the development of leadership qualities, the ability to think and speak clearly and intelligently, and the preparation for acceptance of the duties and responsibilities, the rights and privileges of American citizenship. Winners each year receive college scholarship money.

• Department of Colorado American Legion Baseball – DID YOU KNOW? Since 1925 The American Legion has sponsored American Legion Baseball. American Legion Baseball is the oldest and largest nationwide teenage baseball program in America. More than 10 Million teenagers have played American Legion Baseball since 1925. The success of American Legion Baseball belongs to the Legionnaires and volunteers who donate hundreds of hours each summer to ensure players have an opportunity to play the game of baseball. Players learn the importance of leadership, teamwork and team loyalty while sharpening their skills on the baseball diamond. Nearly 60 percent of professional baseball players played American Legion Baseball, including 46 Hall of Fame members. Over eleven million dollars is raised each year by Legionnaires to assist these American Legion Baseball teams. Hundreds of thousands of players have earned college scholarships.

• The American Legion, National – The Official Website of The American Legion

• The American Legion Auxiliary, National – The Official Website of The American Legion Auxiliary

• Sons of The American Legion, National – The Official Website of The Sons of The American Legion