Kids Easter Party/Easter Egg Hunt

Kids Easter Party/Easter Egg Hunt


March 30, 2024    
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm


American Legion Post 209
3613 Jeannine Drive, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80917

Event Type

The Easter Bunny is just around the corner. On March 30th from 3 to 5 we will have our Easter party/egg hunt. The party is for kids in the age ranges of newborn to 12 yrs. old. When you RSVP we need the ages and names of the children you’re bringing. We provide goodie bags for the kids and don’t want to leave anyone out. Snacks will be available. Let Jackie know if you are bringing a snack. It’s a snack pot luck or better known as a sugar feast, especially for the kids.

Please RSVP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BUT NO LATER THAN THURSDAY March 28th to Jackie Bowen at or 901-481-0673 or via our website HERE.

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